Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Intrigue of the Book of Danie - 826 Words
Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel is one of the most intriguing books found in the Bible. To know Godââ¬â¢s plan for the future it is necessary that you understand the book of Daniel. Daniel can be divided into two segments of six chapters each. Chapters 1-6 are made up primarily of a historical narrative that explains how Daniel came to be in King Nebuchadnezzarââ¬â¢s royal court and his rise to power. Chapters 7-12 are of an apocalyptic genre in which Daniel receives visions concerning the future and the kingdom of God. The book of Daniel implies that Daniel was its author in a few key passages, such as 10:2 and 12:4. Jesus Christ also attributed to this indication via the quote ââ¬Å"Daniel the Prophetâ⬠in Matthew 24:14. In questioning of the original date for the composition of the book, two views prevail: 1) The book was written in the 2nd century BC in Judea or 2) It was written in the 6th century BC in Babylon by a Jewish exile name Daniel. The book sets its own h istorical timetable of composition around 535 BC through such references as Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Cyrus (Hindson Towns, 2013). The key theme throughout the book of Daniel is the reassurance of God sovereignty over the ââ¬Å"kingdoms of menâ⬠(Daniel 4:17, KJV). The purpose of this book was to of encourage faithful living among Godââ¬â¢s people by demonstrating His faithfulness and giving hope to those exiled from Jerusalem. God blesses those who put their faith in him in spite of danger or difficulty. According to
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Fundamental Time For Clean Renewable Energy Essay
The fundamental time for clean renewable energy is of the essence. Clean Energy or Renewable Energy by definition is energy that is collected from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale. This includes wind, rain, tides, geothermal heat, waves, and most relevant to the project, sunlight. Non-renewable Energy is the exact opposite and are natural things such as crude oil, coal, natural gas, and tar sands that take thousands of years to replenish. These energies are the main source of human energy use for technology. They provide many advantages and supply a cheap price for such energy. The problem with this is the depletion of Earthââ¬â¢s natural resources and its harm to the environment. Clean Energy is how we can fix such things. For the generations beyond, the people of earth need to focus on the technology to make a clean energy future a reality. If there is no change, the future, will surely and quickly turn to peril. So now, entering the stage, is the solar cell. Solar cells or Photovoltaic cells capture the energy from the sun and convert it to electrical energy (Singh and Ravindra 2012). They come in all different sizes. They can be small like a phone or large like a house. Each has a different output and efficiency levels. Yet, what things increase or decrease such efficiency levels? This project tests the efficiency of solar cells based on temperature, light intensity, and color variation. Each different variable will be tested together andShow MoreRelatedThe Current Open Economy Of America Essay1490 Words à |à 6 Pagespertains to government, influence the growth of the renewable energy industry in Australia and America. Overview of the Renewable Energy Industry in Australia The Clean Energy Council (2013), in a report on clean energy in Australia, reported that in 2013, renewable energy accounted for over 14% of Australiaââ¬â¢s total power. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Network Project Management for PM Leadership- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNetwork Project Management for PM Leadership. Answer: PM Leadership Jim Rains is a newly hired assistance project manager at a commercial construction company while Bob Moore is a head superintendent working in the company for more than 25 years. As leaders, both Bob and Jim are very efficient, which can be judged from the fact that Jim could not digest it when Bob used to send carpenters to his house on rainy days while still paying them from companys accounts [1]. On the other hand, Bob was viewing the issue as a human resource managerial concern and did not want the carpenters to become demotivated or dissatisfied with their jobs by lying around free on rainy days. As a result, both of them are good as leaders. PM Execution The execution of the project has not been going very well, which is evident from the fact that the carpenters are not happy with their work schedule being disturbed because of the rain. On the other hand, the company is dealing with a situation where it has surplus workforce on rainy days, which does no work but is still being paid for the entire day. As a result, the cost of the project is increasing unnecessarily, which questions the execution of the project. PM Risk Analysis In construction projects, one of the biggest risks is related with the weather, which should be clearly identified during the planning phase itself. Weather conditions, such as rain, hailstorm, snowfall, etc. can hinder the progress of a project as the conditions are not suitable for construction programs [2]. To deal with such risks, the company should have prepared detailed charts and plan execution in such a way that operations like carpentry, etc., which are vulnerable to rains, should not have been done in months of heavy rain [3]. Ethics Assessment Ethics is a persons judgement of right and wrong. Ethics can play a huge role in the business world because leaders often take decisions on the basis of their ethical values. The ethical issues that arises in the cases study is whether Bob should use the workforce of his company for his personal work i.e. whether he should send his companys carpenters to his own house for carpentry and pay them from the companys expenses. Code of Ethics Professional Conduct is a legal framework which ensures that honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness are the values that define the ethical decisions taken by project managers in their profession. Code of Ethics and Business Conduct have a provision for protection of a companys assets, resources and data from being misused. As a result, using companys workforce for personal work is unethical on Bobs part and can be legally challenged as well. Ethics Alternatives Bob has a number of ethical alternatives that would help him in dealing with the ongoing situation. One of the best alternative is to bring the situation under the radar of the senior management. As the company is a large construction company, it is obvious that it must have some other projects running nearby [4]. When the work conditions in the ongoing project are not suitable, Bob can transfer the surplus workforce to other projects where their efforts can be used. This would not just prevent the company from losing its productivity and speed, but will also help in ensuring a better management system. Ethics Analysis According to the PMI Ethical decision making framework, there are five steps that can help in analysing the ethical value of a decision. Let us analyse our alternative ethical decision according to the framework: Firstly, the decision has been considered after considering all the facts and information of the case and will definitely be beneficial for the company. Secondly, it Is important to make a prediction and consider the final results of the decision. In this case, our alternative decision will definitely have better results for the company in the future as compared to the present decision taken by Bob. Third, it is important to identify ones own feeling towards the decision. With respect to our alternative decision, Bob will definitely be happier as it would help him in dealing with the on-going problems [5]. In the fourth step, Bob needs to consider if he can live with his alternative decision. In the last step, Bob needs to think if he would be able to explain his decision to other people and prove its ethicality. A thorough analysis of our decision can clearly demonstrate that the alternative decision is any day better than the one that was earlier taken by Bob. Ethics Application From the view point of a project manager, the alternative decision to employ the carpenters at some other project on days of rain will definitely have a positive impact on the company and will provide a greater good to everyone because not only will it help the company in avoiding wastage of resources but will also ensure that the resources of the company are utilised in a proper way and the productivity of the company does not suffer because of weather conditions. Further, the choice will also be fair to all the concerned people because the carpenters will work for the company in all conditions, rather than working at the house of some employee while still being paid by the company. Ethics Action In this case study, the decision of Bob to employ the carpenters at his house on rainy days can be controversial and can foster a negative environment in the workplace as the workforce would start to misuse the assets and resources of the company for their personal use. On the other hand, the decision to transfer the workforce to some other project site on days of rain when the work conditions are not suitable will allow the managers to ensure continuous and smooth running of operations and in fostering a positive environment in the workplace. References [1] J. B. Ciulla, Ethics, the Heart of Leadership, 3rd Edition, ABC-CLIO, 2014. [2] A. Chughtai, M. Byrne and B. Flood, Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Well-Being: The Role of Trust in Supervisor, Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 128, no. 3, pp. 653-663, May 2015. [3] A. Walker, Project management in construction, John Wiley Sons, 2015. [4] H. Kerzner and H. R. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley Publishers, 2017. [5] M. S. Schwartz, Ethical Decision-Making Theory: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 139, no. 3, pp. 755-776, December 2016.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Infectious Diarrhoea Essay Example
Infectious Diarrhoea Essay Infectious Diarrhoea is a Major Cause of Global Mortality. Discuss. Introduction Infectious diarrhea has been a major cause of planetary morbidity and mortality, peculiarly in immature kids in developing states where medical resources and living conditions are hapless. Harmonizing to statistics, about 2.2 million kids will decease from diarrhea and related diseases this twelvemonth, 80 % of them in the first two old ages of their life ; 42,000 a hebdomad, 6,000 a twenty-four hours, 4 every minute, 1 every 14 seconds. [ 1 ] A big assortment of viruses, bacteriums and parasites are responsible for doing infective diarrhea. Statisticss show that 40 % instances of travelers diarrhea are due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, 22 % instances caused by unknown pathogens, 10 % instances caused by Shigella spp. and enterohamemorrhagic Escherichia coli, another 10 % caused by virus, and the remainder caused by Protozoa and other species. [ 2 ] The major path of transmittal of these enteropathogens is via fecal to unwritten contact, and besides via contaminated nutrient e.g. natural meat, H2O e.g. domestic H2O supplies, and via human to human contact e.g. adumbrate sexual contact such as oral-anal sex. Syndromes We will write a custom essay sample on Infectious Diarrhoea specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Infectious Diarrhoea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Infectious Diarrhoea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are three major clinical syndromes of infective diarrhea ; these include acute watery diarrhea, dysentery and relentless diarrhea. Acute watery diarrhea as its name suggests is the transition of watery stools more often than normal, and frequently is accompanied by symptoms such as sickness, emesis, and abdominal uncomfortableness. It normally consequences from stomach flu, which is the redness of the GI piece of land. Normally a healthy person would retrieve within 5 to10 yearss. However for persons who have weaker immune system such as the immature, aged and those infected with HIV, it could be a dangerous issue, since it causes terrible desiccation. In immature persons and babies, rotavirus infection is the most common cause of acute watery diarrhea, and has symptoms of a febrility and mild jobs in the respiratory system, followed by diarrhea and emesis. Dehydration and metabolic acidosis would continue if fluid and electrolyte are non replaced. The degree of desiccation could be assessed clinically by the doing observations of the tegument tone and tissue turgour, waterlessness of the mucous membrane membran e, and the depression of the anterior soft spot. In grownups, the bacteria E. coli is the most common cause of acute watery diarrhea, and has symptoms of febrility, abdominal hurting, and sickness. These symptoms normally persist for 3 to 5 yearss, and terrible desiccation is non common in grownups but is common if it had occurred in immature babies. Dysentery diarrhea is when blood and Pus are present in the fecal matters, accompanied by symptoms of anorexia, hurting, febrility, and abdominal hurting, normally ensuing from amendss done to the big bowel by the microorganisms. Dysentery diarrhea can be divided into two major types, amboetic dysentery and bacillary dysentery. Amboetic dysentery is caused by the ameba Entamoeba histolytica ; it may be transmitted via tainted nutrient and H2O. Amoeba signifier morbific cysts in fecal matters and it may distribute if a individual touches the fecal matters and somehow ingests it. Bacillar dysentery consists of chiefly three bacterial groups, which are Shigella, Campylobacter, and Salmonella enterica. Alternatively, dysentery could be caused by medicines for illustration steroids, which disrupts the intestine motion. Persistent diarrhea is merely characterised as diarrhea that has continued for more than 14 yearss. Most instances of relentless diarrhea seem to be associated with the same pathogens that cause ague diarrhea. This is backed up by surveies done in India, Bangladesh and Peru, which found that rotavirus ; Campylobacter and Shigella are every bit common in acute and relentless diarrhea. [ 3 ] Several factors could hold a major impact on the likeliness of relentless diarrhea ; these include the old diarrhea infection, the nutritionary position and interestingly the eating pattern. Surveies have found that kids who have improper nutrition or an deficient diet, have an increased hazard of holding drawn-out episode of persistant diarrhea, this increases the hazard of them deceasing. [ 3 ] Furthermore, surveies have found that suckling lowers the continuance of diarrhoeal episodes. For illustration, in Peru, babies aged from 9 to 11 months who were non breastfed had mean diarrheal continuanc es 49 per centum longer than those breastfed continuously. [ 3 ] One account for this is because diarrhea worsens the ability of the baby to digest lactose, a substance found in carnal milk ; hence as a concatenation consequence, this worsens and prolongs the effects of diarrhea. Mechanisms There are two major mechanisms that enable a pathogen to bring on infective diarrhea, which is either an increased enteric secernment of fluid and electrolytes predominately in the little bowel, or a reduced soaking up of fluid, electrolytes and sometimes foods that can affect little or big bowel. Increased enteric secernment Cholera Cholera is an acute infection of the GI piece of land caused by the comma-shaped Gram-negative bacteria Vibrio cholera. The disease has a long history characterised by epidemics and pandemics. Cholera produces cholera toxin, which is the model for enterotoxin. Possibly the most astonishing characteristic about cholera toxin is that it switches on secernment without damaging the enterocyte. Basically, cholera toxin has two major parts, the first is a pentameric protein that binds to the surface of the enteric epithelial tissue, and the 2nd is an ADP-ribosylation enzyme which ribosylates the Gs alpha fractional monetary unit of the hetertrimeric G protein doing constituent camp production. This leads to an addition in secernment of chloride and H2O into the lms of the bowel. Hence rapid desiccation would happen. The cholera being requires extra virulency factors to enable it to last the host defense mechanisms and adhere to the enteric mucous membrane. For illustration, a big figure of the beings are required to be ingested since it is sensitive to stomach acid, and colonization of little bowel depends on the polar scourge production of mucinase fond regard to specific receptors. Symptoms caused by cholera include watery non-bloody diarrhea known as rice H2O stool because of its visual aspect ; this can ensue in the loss of one liter of fluid per hr. This unstable loss causes electrolyte instability which in bend lead to terrible desiccation, acidosis and perchance hypvolemic daze taking to cardiac failure. Decreased enteric soaking up Rotavirus Rotavirus is a genus of double-stranded RNA virus in the household Reoviridae. It is the 1 of the taking, individual cause of terrible diarrhea in babies and immature kids. [ 4 ] Almost every kid in the universe has been infected with this virus at least one time by the age of five. [ 5 ] In malice of this, unsusceptibility develops against this virus so farther infections are less serious, [ 6 ] hence there is really small opportunity that an grownup would be affected. [ 7 ] Rotavirus could be divided into seven species: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Rotavirus A is the most common, and do 90 % of infection in human, with a contact of killing about 500,000 kids every twelvemonth, [ 8 ] and doing more than 2 million to be become highly ill. [ 9 ] The mechanism by which rotavirus invades and replicated is summarised as follows: First, rotavirus infects enterocytes of the villi of the little bowels, this cause a alteration in construction and map of the epithelial tissue. [ 11 ] This leads to malabsorption of the epithelial tissue, therefore enteric soaking up would be greatly decreased. One utile feature that Rota virus has is its ternary protein coats, doing them resistant to the acidic pH of the tummy and the digestive enzymes in the intestine. A cyst called endosome is formed after the virus enters the cell by receptor mediated endocytosis. A concentration gradient of Ca is achieved when the protein in the 3rd bed, called VP4 and VP7 spike interrupt the membrane of the endosome. Subsequently VP7 pruners are broken down into individual protein fractional monetary units, hence VP2 and VP6 protein coats are left around the viral dsRNA to organize a double-layered atom. The staying 11 dsRNA protected by the two protein shells are so able to bring forth transcripts of the two-base hit stranded viral genome, by utilizing the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. By concealing in the nucleus, the viral RNA could avoid RNA intervention induced by the host s immune response. From here on, rotavirus could bring forth messenger RNA for both protein biogenesis and cistron reproduction. Diagnosis Diagnosis is normally non needed in the bulk of acute watery diarrhea since it normally resolves within a few yearss. However diagnosing would be required in more serious episodes such as dysentery, and relentless diarrhea where it could take to decease. Normally stool microscopy and civilization is used since it is the cheapest and simplest diagnosing compared to other techniques. This normally involves the examining of stool samples under a light microscope by an experient perceiver and so cultured for bacterial enteropathogens. Particular dyes are used to help sensing of cysts and spores of the pathogen. Microscopy is peculiarly of import in placing the undermentioned species: Crytosporidum parvum, Gaiardia intestinalis, Cyclospora cayetansis and Entamoeba histolytica. Alternatively, serodiagnosis could be used to place the pathogen. This involves proving the blood serum for specific antibodies. However this technique is merely utile in certain species, such as Y enterocolitica and is really time-consuming. Treatment There are several types of intervention for diarrhea. The first and most common therapy is the unwritten rehydration therapy ( ORT ) which involves replacing the fluid and electrolytes via the unwritten path. The solution given is called the unwritten rehydration solution which normally consists of glucose-electrolyte solutions. This therapy has helped many patients enduring from terrible diarrhea by forestalling desiccation and acidosis. Alternatively, solutions which contain a high Na content ( e.g. soup ) , a high glucose content ( e.g. fruit juice ) , and a high saccharide content ( e.g. pasta ) could assist by bettering the glucose-sodium co-transport mechanism. Anti-diarrhoeal drugs have been developed to cut down stool frequence, volume and symptoms such as abdominal hurting. These could be divided into anti-motility agents and anti-secretary agents. Anti-motility agents, for illustration Loperamide, work by increasing enteric theodolite clip and promoting the resorption of electrolytes. Despite holding the advantage of cut downing fecal production, loperamide has possible side effects impacting the cardinal nervous system and the respiratory system ; hence it is non used in immature babies. On the other manus anti-secretary drugs, which are drugs aimed to aim and suppress straight the secretary processes within the enterocyte, are still at an early phase of development. Antimicrobial intervention such as antibiotic therapy could assist cut down the badness of diarrhea but is merely recommended for a limited scope of infections, for illustration, cholera, dysenteric bacillary dysentery, pseudo membranous enterocolitis and those due to parasites, and sexually familial diseases. Mention 1. hypertext transfer protocol: // 2. Handszuh H, Waters SR. Travel and touristry forms. In: DuPont HL, Steffen R, eds. Textbook of travel medical specialty and wellness. Dekker: 3. hypertext transfer protocol: // # 10 4. Dennehy PH ( 2000 ) . Transmission of rotavirus and other enteral pathogens in the place . 5. Velazquez FR, Matson DO, Calva JJ, Guerrero L, Morrow AL, Carter-Campbell S, Glass RI, Estes MK, Pickering LK, Ruiz-Palacios GM ( 1996 ) . Rotavirus infections in babies as protection against subsequent infections . 6. Linhares AC, Gabbay YB, Mascarenhas JD, Freitas RB, Flewett TH, Beards GM ( 1988 ) . Epidemiology of rotavirus subgroups and serotypes in Belem, Brazil: a three-year survey . 7. Bishop RF ( 1996 ) . Natural history of human rotavirus infection . 8. World Health Organization. Rotavirus vaccines place paper. 9. Simpson E, Wittet S, Bonilla J, Gamazina K, Cooley L, Winkler JL ( 2007 ) . Use of formative research in developing a cognition interlingual rendition attack to rotavirus vaccine debut in developing states . 10. 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // Rotavirus_replication.png 11. Greenberg HB, Clark HF, Offit PA ( 1994 ) . Rotavirus pathology and pathophysiology .
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